Therapy, Counseling & Mental Health
Clawson, Michigan
Start My Wellness is an emotional and mental health services provider in the Clawson area that helps children and adults create a path to living happier and healthier lives.
Our certified therapists have home-grown roots, so you can feel confident in their skills and at home in your community throughout your experience.
Therapy & Counseling
We can help kids, teens & adults learn new skills to create a more fulfilling & happy life.
Psychiatric Medication
We provide medication for all ages to treat depression, anxiety & other symptoms.
Psychological Testing
We test for a wide range of psychological conditions & specialize in second opinions.
Make an Appointment
To get started with Start My Wellness, schedule an appointment online or call 248-514-4955. During the scheduling process, we will ask questions to match you with the therapist who will best meet your needs including service type, emotional symptoms and availability.