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Counseling and Therapy Services
Detroit, Michigan

Start My Wellness provides therapy, counseling, medication management, psychological testing, and other wellness services for children, teens, adults, groups, couples and families in the Greater Metro Detroit Area.

Our certified therapists have home-grown roots, so you can feel confident in their skills and at home in your community throughout your experience.

happy woman smiling after therapy session at Start My Wellness

Individual Counseling

Get expert support tailored to your unique needs.

couples therapy

Couples Counseling

Work through your relationship with empathy and guidance.

woman being consoled for her grief

Grief Counseling

Compassionate support to help you navigate loss and healing.

family therapy

Family Counseling

Strengthen family bonds with guided communication and understanding.

couple sitting on the couch together completing a couples therapy session virually with an online therapist

Marriage Counseling

Improve communication, resolve conflicts, and deepen your emotional connection.

therapist who provides online therapy sessions for adults


Medication management and evaluation, psychological testing and treatment planning.

woman taking psychiatric medication

Psychiatric Medication

We provide medication to treat depression, anxiety, and other conditions.

psych testing

Psychological Testing

We test for a wide range of psychological conditions.

man working online wth a cognitive behavioral therapist

Online Therapy

We provide accessible and efficient therapy from the comfort of your home.

Make an Appointment

To get started with Start My Wellness, schedule an appointment online or call 248-514-4955. During the scheduling process, we will ask questions to match you with the therapist who will best meet your needs including service type, emotional symptoms and availability.

Call (248) 514-4955


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Start My Wellness Blog

Explore success stories and information related to mental health, holistic wellness and self-improvement.

Have a question about a post? Need to schedule an appointment?

Call 248-514-4955

Emotional Support Animals: Myth or Must?

Emotional Support Animals: Myth or Must?

We’ve all heard the phrase “a dog is a man’s best friend,” but is there any scientific evidence to back that claim? Whether or not a dog is a man’s best friend, there is important data that shows that Emotional Support Animals or ESAs do provide important symptom management for adults who experience severe mental health conditions.

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Managing Existential Climate Stress

Managing Existential Climate Stress

Over the last week, the news has reflected climate disasters happening around our country: fires in California, flooding in Kentucky, and the great salt lakes of Utah drying up. However you get your news, it can be overwhelming to learn of such devastation happening around us.

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988: Yay or Nay?

988: Yay or Nay?

For the last two weeks, news of the updated 988 National Suicide Prevention Hotline number have been plastered all over the internet: posts with explanations for what the new hotline means for those in crisis, posts with celebratory language to mark a new era for mental health response, and posts that scrutinize the hotline’s capacity and confidentiality.

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Therapy Alphabet Soup

Therapy Alphabet Soup

One of the brilliant and tedious truths about living in the 21st century is having easy access to endless information. It can be relieving to type a set of symptoms or a question into Google and be met with options, explanations, and next steps. It can also leave a person feeling overwhelmed and flooded with new information.

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Socializing after a Pandemic

Socializing after a Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed the ways in which people socially engage with one another. A “return to normal” might seem desirable at first glance, but minimizing the ways that COVID-19 has impacted our world is unfair to both ourselves and to our community.

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Finding Control in a Changing World

Finding Control in a Changing World

In our country, in our state, in our community, and in our relationships we are constantly changing, growing, and disagreeing. While change might be a common phenomenon, it is natural for different and new changes to throw us off and even create distress in our lives

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Are you psychoanalyzing me?

Are you psychoanalyzing me?

As a psychoanalyst, people often approach me and ask something like “what is mental health?” Usually this comes in the form of a joking question, “are you analyzing me?” I try to respond thoughtfully, recognizing that somehow a mental health professional may make people uncomfortable, as if I am judging them. I try to reassure them, I have enough on my plate and I’m not looking to work outside of the office.

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Seasonal Depression… in the Summer?

Seasonal Depression… in the Summer?

It may not come as a surprise to you that SAD affects around 5% of Americans, and can disproportionately impact females, younger people, and those living in Northern/higher altitude climates.

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June is National Pride Month

June is National Pride Month

Since the 1969, Stonewall Uprisings in NYC, the month of June has been a time to celebrate LGBTQ+ identities and honor the activism of those who participated in Stonewall and those who are still actively involved with queer liberation movements today.

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ADHD Testing Options at Start My Wellness: Traditional vs. Modern

ADHD Testing Options at Start My Wellness: Traditional vs. Modern

Do you ever have difficulty concentrating or getting things done? Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can greatly impact all aspects of one’s life, regardless of age. Properly identifying and diagnosing ADHD is important for accurate treatment. An accurate assessment allows both children and adults to understand what they are struggling with and what is causing their symptoms. It also helps these individuals develop habits and skills to help manage ADHD symptoms.

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