a group of diverse children smiling

Child Therapy: Wellness Starts Now

Empower Your Child’s Well-Being

Early intervention can make all the difference in your child’s emotional and social development.

Our Child Therapy Services are designed to provide the support your child needs now so they can build the skills that will last for a lifetime. Whether they’re dealing with anxiety, behavioral issues, or social challenges, we’re here to help them grow with confidence and resilience.

Child Therapy at Start My Wellness

Wellness starts with understanding that children are not little adults. They are developing people who emotionally and socially depend on others around them. Our Wellness Starts Now approach to child therapy can be both play based or verbal. It can involve active participation with the parent or parents, the family, or other important people in the child’s life. It is comprehensive. We make connections with outside therapists or schools when that is helpful.

We understand that movement and play are just as important to a child’s treatment as are talking and feeling. No two children have the same therapy needs. Some of the services we typically provide for children and family members are:

child in a therapy session with a licensed child therpist 2

For Kids


Child-Centered Play Therapy


Child Anger Management Therapy


Child-Parent Relationship Therapy

group of teens

For Adolescents


Talk Therapy


Teen Anger Management Therapy


Child-Parent Relationship Therapy

Family therapy theme

For Parents & Family


Parent Guidance Lessons


Family Therapy


Couples Therapy


Parent Support Groups for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Additional Services for:

Special Education Consultations

Gender Affirming Therapy

IEP Advocacy

Autism Evaluations

ADHD Screening

Evaluations for Medication Management

How Child Therapy Can Help

Children have all types of needs. Some of the more common problems we address include




Loss and Grief


Problems Maintaining Attention




Behavior Problems


Defiance or Anger Problems


Social Problems


Mood Problems


Coping with Trauma


Self-Esteem Problems


Problems Making Friends


Non-Specific Problems

Child Therapist Collaboration – We’ll Work Together to Help Your Child

It takes a village, and at Start My Wellness we work collaboratively with other therapists to identify and help treat children with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Attention Issues and Staying Focused
  • Impulsivity: Acting quickly without thinking, or issues with self-control
  • Sensory Processing Problems: Challenges in how the brain responds to sights, sounds, and textures which can be overstimulating or cause discomfort.
  • Delays in Receptive and Expressive Language: Difficulty understanding what others say (receptive) and trouble expressing thoughts, ideas, or needs clearly (expressive).
  • Social Pragmatic Language Difficulties: Problems understanding and using language in social situations, including understanding non-verbal cues and making socially appropriate responses.
  • School Consultations: Professional guidance provided to schools to support a child’s educational needs.
therapist collaborating on a zoom call for a child therapy session

Our Our Licensed Child Therapists

Make an Appointment

To get started with Start My Wellness, schedule an appointment online or call 248-514-4955. During the scheduling process, we will ask questions to match you with the therapist who will best meet your needs including service type, emotional symptoms and availability.

Call (248) 514-4955


Adjunct Therapies to Child Therapy

We understand that every child’s needs are unique, and while we don’t offer these adjunct therapies directly, we collaborate with trusted mental health professionals who do. If your child could benefit from additional support like speech and language therapy, contact us to connect you with the right resources to ensure your child receives comprehensive care tailored to their needs.

Speech and Language Therapy

Focuses on helping children improve their communication skills and complements child therapy by enhancing a child’s ability to express emotions.

Craniosacral Therapy

Gentle manipulation of the skull and spine to release tension and can help reduce physical stress or symptoms.

Equine Therapy

Therapeutic interactions between children and horses, which can promote emotional growth, empathy, and trust-building.

Occupational Therapy

Assists children in developing skills necessary for daily activities, such as self-care or mobility.

Therapeutic Metronome

Uses rhythmic auditory stimulation to improve attention and coordination, and when used with child therapy can help improve focus and cognitive processing.

Nature Therapy

Incorporates outdoor experiences to improve mental health by reducing anxiety and stress.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Family Therapy

What Happens in Child Therapy Sessions?

In child therapy sessions, children work in a safe, supportive environment to express feelings, develop coping skills, and address behavioral and emotional challenges. Depending on the child’s age, sessions can include a mix of traditional talk therapy, play therapy, and creative expression. For younger children, parents often take a more active role, and sessions are generally shorter or a combination of a short child therapy session and a brief one-on-one session between parent and therapist.

Should I Be Directly Involved in Therapy Sessions as a Parent?

In some cases, parents may be directly involved in therapy, which is influenced primarily by the child’s developmental level and type of treatment. Younger children benefit from parents being involved directly in sessions, while older teenagers may prefer some level of autonomy in their sessions. Parents can play an equally important role by reinforcing therapeutic strategies at home.

As a Parent, How Can I Help My Child Outside of Therapy?
A critical aspect of child therapy is collateral sessions where parents discuss their child’s progress and the therapeutic strategies learned. Parents can offer the greatest support by reinforcing these lessons at home and continuously monitoring their children’s progress, as parents are their children’s biggest allies and the most aware of emotional or behavioral changes.
Can Family Be Involved in Child Therapy?
Family therapy is commonly used in conjunction with child therapy to reinforce education across the household, address family relationship issues that may be contributing to a child’s challenges, and improve treatment effectiveness.
How Will Play Therapy Help My Child?
Play therapy is particularly helpful for younger children, allowing them to express themselves non-verbally, build self-esteem, develop problem-solving skills, and better engage in therapy.
How Does Therapy Work for Children with ADHD?
Therapists help children with ADHD directly manage and develop coping skills for symptoms related to attention and hyperactivity, tailoring treatment to your child’s unique needs, including if there are other conditions present. Additionally, a significant focus of therapy for ADHD is developing personal strengths and interests to build self-esteem and confidence.
What Are Some Types of Child Coping Skills Learned in Therapy?
Some of the most popular coping skills children learn in therapy include deep breathing, creative expression, problem-solving, and distraction techniques such as coloring or playing games.
What is Inner Child Therapy?
Inner child therapy is actually a therapy for adults that focuses on accessing one’s “inner child” to help recognize and heal emotional wounds from early life experiences. The ultimate goal is identifying, accepting, and addressing unresolved issues affecting adult behaviors and emotions.
What is Child-Parent Relationship Therapy?
Child-parent relationship therapy (CPRT) helps strengthen the bond between child and caregiver by improving communication and addressing attachment issues for young children (ages 3-10).
Why Would a Child Need Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy helps individuals develop the physical and motor skills necessary for everyday tasks. For children with developmental delays or special needs that require physical or environmental changes, occupational therapy provides essential support and allows children to live more independently.
How Do I Know If My Child Needs Speech Therapy?
Typically, speech therapy is recommended when children are not meeting developmental milestones, such as using single words by 12-15 months or combining words by 18-24 months. Additionally, you can consider speech therapy if your child has difficulty expressing themselves, struggles with specific sounds or pronunciations, or expresses a limited vocabulary.
When Should a Child Begin Speech Therapy?
Children can begin speech therapy if there are noticeable speech or language development delays compared to established milestones. The best practice is to developmentally monitor your child for any delays or changes to their ability to communicate, as early intervention is crucial for addressing challenges before they affect other areas of development.