With the advent of telehealth and online mental health services, many people wonder whether psychological testing, traditionally done in person, is as effective online. Psychological tests are more accessible than ever, but not all of them work the same, and there are important considerations regarding the validity and accuracy of online tests.
In some cases psychological testing can be done online if conducted by a qualified psychologist using the same psychometric standards as in-person testing. Qualified psychologists are licensed in your state and have training and experience in administering and interpreting these tests. Psychometric standards refer to the evidence-based benchmarks that provide a basis for these tests to measure against.
This effectiveness applies to online testing where the testing standard is comparable to in-person, such as screenings, self-assessments, and some video interviews. In some cases the protocol requires collaborative data be completed by someone who knows the patient well. For complex evaluations that require observation of movement or advanced cognitive assessments, the testing requires some in-person participation for accuracy and validity. These tests’ accuracy depends on their ability to directly capture specific symptoms, and tests that require in-person observation or physical participation are more effective in person. The bottom line is that the appropriateness for online psychological testing is best determined on a case by case basis.
What is Psychological Testing, and What’s Its Purpose?
Psychological testing is a standardized process to determine the presence of psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism or learning disabilities and inform the most appropriate treatment options. Most psychological tests are evaluations that include several diagnostic components, including interviewing and objective assessments (such as written tests and surveys) that provide multiple points of view on an individual’s mental health. In this definition, “testing” refers to the overall process, and “diagnostics” refers to specific components of the testing process.
These tests are administered and interpreted by qualified psychologists, who have the training to conduct certain aspects of testing (such as observational interviews) and are trained in appropriately interpreting test results. Online tests that are not conducted by trained psychologists, therefore, cannot accurately determine diagnosis.
There are many types of diagnostic components, each of which looks at a specific condition or set of symptoms and compares an individual’s current mental health to standardized benchmarks. While each diagnostic serves a specific purpose, their overall goal is to provide a deeper understanding of an individual’s strengths and areas where they need support by evaluating thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in different formats.
For example, a psychologist might conduct background interviews to understand development history, use rating scales to compare an individual’s symptoms against developmental milestones and use intelligence scales to assess their cognitive abilities. Each diagnostic focuses on a specific area of psychological functioning, and the psychologist interprets the combined results to understand one’s unique psychological profile.
The specific diagnostics used depend primarily on the individual’s needs and reason for seeking testing. Likewise, the purpose of this testing is to provide individuals with a deeper understanding of their mental health and to provide personalized treatment plans that address areas of support, provide coping strategies to help individuals manage mental health, and highlight individual strengths to promote one’s self-esteem and desire to participate in activities that bring them joy.
How Does Psychological Testing Work Online?
When appropriate, online psychological testing is a structured process that works largely the same as in-person. It typically starts with a video interview where the psychologist gathers relevant information about your symptoms, medical history, and reasons for seeking testing. From this, various diagnostics, including questionnaires, and surveys, are conducted with a psychologist over a video call. The diagnostics used evaluate different aspects of mental health to generate a well-rounded view of where you require support.
Recently, procedures have been developed to conduct more complex evaluations online. However, online psychological testing does not mean “in-home” psychological testing. Complex cases require the use of a trained preceptor to be with the person being evaluated at the time of the online testing session. This would mean a trip to a medical center, doctor’s office, or clinic is still necessary for the online testing option, but perhaps one closer to the person’s home. Because of the nature of the scientific evidence, the diagnosis of ADHD is a condition most amenable to online evaluations, possibly even “in-home.” However, the choice of tests used, and the selection of the most appropriate situations for this to occur is a critical component of online ADHD testing.
Following the tests, the psychologist will evaluate the results, integrating observations, background information, and diagnostic results into a goal-directed treatment plan to improve symptoms, build self-esteem, and learn effective coping strategies through therapy. The psychologist will share the results with you, giving you a better understanding of your mental health, and if you desire therapy, use this treatment plan to direct therapeutic goals in the future.
In some cases, additional testing, including in-person testing, may be recommended to observe specific behaviors or cognitive functioning directly. If further testing is recommended, your psychologist will be transparent about why they feel it’s a good idea and what these tests will evaluate.
Is Online Psychological Testing as Accurate as In-Person Testing?
In situations properly chosen, psychological testing conducted by a trained professional is as accurate as in-person testing to the degree that it follows the same testing standards. Many diagnostics, including video interviews, brief questionnaires, or written exams, typically offer the same quality as their in-person equivalents, providing both convenience and quality of results.
However, in cases where the testing standards are different online, specifically tests requiring direct observation or physical involvement, testing quality will be lower. More advanced tests, including neuropsychological tests, IQ scales, and autism observation schedules, require in-person components to appropriately assess symptom presentation and compare them to established milestones or measures.
In some cases, such as for personality tests, the in-person component may be adapted for online use to provide a streamlined evaluation of one’s mental health. These adaptations can help highlight areas of support or recommend additional in-person testing to qualify these results. However, the degree to which specific diagnostics can be conducted online and provide accuracy depends on a diagnostic’s standards and the severity of symptoms. Generally, the more complex a condition and the more diagnostics required to diagnose it, the more likely some testing will need to be in person for accurate results.
Get Accurate and Professional Psychological Testing with Start My Wellness
Online psychological testing can offer a convenient and effective way to assess mental health conditions and symptoms for some individuals. These tests provide individuals with a detailed understanding of their mental health, determine the presence of symptoms, and provide a pathway to personalized care. While many tests can be done online with the same accuracy as in-person evaluations, it’s important to understand that some more advanced tests still require in-person components to ensure validity.
At Start My Wellness, we are dedicated to providing accurate and professional psychological testing online and in person. Our licensed psychologists use evidence-based standards to inform precise test results and are committed to providing you with personalized care that addresses your unique needs and highlights your individual strengths. We’re here to guide you through the testing process with clarity, care, and expertise.
If you’re ready to take the next step in your mental health journey, contact us today at (248)-514-4955 and meet our psychologists. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about online and in-person psychological testing.
- Start My Wellness: Psychological Testing
- Start My Wellness: 10 Warning Signs of a Bad Autism Evaluation
- American Psychological Association: How do you test on the Web Responsibly?
- American Psychological Association: How to do psychological testing via telehealth
- Online vs In-Person ADHD Testing: What to Choose
- Start My Wellness: Exploring Psychological vs. Neuropsychological Tests
Author: Jeremy Baker, DNP, PMHNP-BC
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