One of the important parts of getting help is an accurate diagnosis. Without a clear understanding of what is creating your difficulties, it would be difficult to get the right treatment.
The good news is that there is are scientifically validated tests (not simple checklists) that can help you and your doctor discern whether you have ADHD. The difficult part is that completing these psychological tests can also be expensive and time-consuming. For example, if you have a high deductible plan, you might be responsible for more than $500 in fees plus several hours of your time to get these results. Of course, the end result can be useful, but not everyone has the financial means to afford that.
At Start My Wellness, we have a new, modern approach to ADHD testing. For adults who may be wondering whether their issues with concentration are ADHD-related, Start My Wellness will offer a straightforward online test for $100. We will be using a scientifically based methodology that will help put clear answers in your hands about whether you really have ADHD.
How is this model different than typical telehealth approaches? First of all, many telehealth platforms simply try to recreate the physical world online. Instead of you filling out forms, waiting for your scheduled appointment, and doing the psychological testing in the office, most telehealth platforms will just repeat the same process online. Does it save you driving time? Sure. Does it actually create a more efficient and more accessible solution from anywhere in the country or even the world? No.
The new methodology at Start My Wellness will take less than 20% of the time of traditional approaches, and cost less than 1/5 of typical prices. This is a unique method that, to my knowledge, is not being currently done by any other company. We will be rolling out more information very soon, but for now, keep in mind that a hopeful new approach is coming and it may very well contribute to a better and more satisfying life for you.
Author: Anton Babushkin, CEO, PhD
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